Our Team
Anandi Sarkar
Shreya Sharma
Ishaan Patankar
Ethan Xing
Jason Dong
Zaina Khan
Anjana Peddapurapu
Aditi Inamdar
Anandi Sarkar
Anandi Sarkar is the co-founder and chairman of the James River and is thrilled to see the direction that this brand new project is going. She is a rising freshman at the Center for Medical Sciences at Godwin and an avid Lincoln Douglas Debater. Anandi's journey with MUN has been long and varied, starting in fourth grade and creating new opportunities and experiences for her. So far, she has won Best Delegate twice, Honorable Mention twice, and won the Henrico Invitational Model UN's Sarah Nelson Award. In addition, she has proudly served as chair twice and captained her school team in their trip to New York City in 2024. Her favorite memory of MUN is using a southern accent in WHO and yelling at Germany for assassinating her former position.In her free time, Anandi likes reading whatever she can get her hands on, watching Medical Dramas (her current favorite is New Amsterdam) and finding new things to hyperfixate on.
Shreya Sharma
Shreya Sharma is a rising ninth grader from George H. Moody Middle School to J.R. Tucker High School, and is honored to serve as the Treasurer for JRAD as part of its Board of Directors, within its first iteration. An avid participant in Model United Nations, Shreya has been attending conferences for over four years and has joined or worked with numerous initiatives for such conferences, including that of the revered GCMUN in New York and MoodyMUN. Outside of ModelUN, she was a leader of the Creative Writing Club at Moody, is currently an All-District clarinetist, serves as a member at the Finance Branch of YCAT, or the Youth Climate Action Team, and remains an ambassador of the organization One Tree Planted. She places the value of ambition first and foremost in MUN education, and is committed to broadening the scope of vision students at JRAD hold. As the section leader for the highest tier of MUN education at JRAD, eighth grade, Shreya is committed to expanding knowledge delegates a
Ishaan Patankar
Ishaan Patankar holds the role of our secretary. He is going to Maggie L. Walker Governor's School for the forthcoming academic term. During his free time, he likes playing video games, playing in pickleball matches, and devising playful pranks. Furthermore, he plays the saxophone and enjoys doing math. He also actively participates in Model United Nations (MUN) having done 5 conferences, and demonstrates a interest in the study of geography.
Ethan Xing
Ethan Xing is a freshman at Maggie L. Walker Governor's School for Government and International Studies. He co-founded JRAD and has attended several local and international conferences. Ethan is passionate about everything related to debate and government, and he is thrilled to be serving as the CEO for the academy. He will be responsible for all business and professional matters that JRAD takes on. Ethan believes the qualities of honesty, integrity, and hard work are essential qualities for students to possess, and he is committed to teaching all of the students at the academy these attributes. Apart from Model UN, he also participates in robotics and several other extracurricular activities.
Jason Dong
Zaina Khan
Anjana Peddapurapu
Aditi Inamdar
Aditi Inamdar is the Chief Information Officer at James River Academy of Diplomacy. As a rising ninth grader attending the Center for Information Technology next year at Deep Run High School, Aditi is excited for this year's summer camp session and welcomes all delegates to the program. As a firm advocate for education, Aditi encourages determination, collaboration, and above all, participation. You can find Aditi engaging in debate, embarking upon a thrilling book or two, or singing wherever possible when she's not actively working on academia. One fun fact about Aditi is that she has been singing and performing in theatre since the age of five years old. Thank you for joining the James River Academy of Diplomacy, and all members of the academy are greatly looking forward to seeing you this summer!